

The SEO Crawler that fixes issues for you

Easily crawl your website with MetaMonster's SEO Crawler to check for missing or broken metadata. Every MetaMonster plan comes with unlimited crawls and no page limits, so you can recrawl at any time.

Summary view
Summary View

Quickly get a high level view of metadata issues for your website.

See all issues the MetaMonster Crawler finds in one place with the number of pages affected. Then fix them all with the click of a button or dive deeper into each issue.

  • Missing metadata
  • Too long or too short
  • Duplicate titles or descriptions
  • Missing keywords
Detailed view
Detailed View

Get a detailed view of all of the pages impacted.

Dive into the specific pages with errors for each issue type. See what's causing the issue and how to fix it.

  • See what's causing the issue
  • Get instructions for how to fix it
  • One-click fix with generative AI
Recrawl any time
Unlimited Crawls

Recrawl your website any time to see what has changed.

As you make updates to your website, you can recrawl it with MetaMonster's SEO Crawler. Clearly see what's changed since the last crawl. No page limits, so you can recrawl at any time.

  • Unlimited crawls
  • Your website is the source of truth
  • Easily see changes

Clean up missing metadata in minutes instead of months.

Generate SEO-optimized metadata for your clients fast with the SEO crawler that fixes issues for you.

Join the waiting list today to get early access when we launch!